Friday, August 14, 2009

My new Signature

Yeah, I am so proud of myself!!! Thank you to for all of their help! I think I might be on my way! Its late tonight, but I can sleep in in the morning!!

I am becoming extremely frustrated at the process of setting this blog thing up...I want a signature...I want a cute background....I want a cute header...I have no idea how to do it and I am sick of trying...i try and I might just have to have a blah spot for a blog space...oh well, sorry for the venting, I am just tired and frustrated.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Macy's 13th Birthday

Today we celebrated Macy's 13th birthday!!! Can't believe that my baby girl is a teenager! We had such a wonderful day! Everyone slept late and then spet the afternoon in the pool. Macy and Ross had a rodeo tonight in Rockdale, so we all climbed into the car...Macy and Ross' dad invited all of us to dinner to celebrate Macy's birthday before the rodeo! We had a great time! Unfortunately, Macy and Ross just didn't have a great rodeo night, but we had fun anyway! Looking forward to church tomorrow and spending time together!